Franklin Woods Association Annual Meeting Minutes-- draft

October 23, 2019

Home of Allen Wolf and Mandy Garver


Allen Wolf                                                4680 Pickering                              
Bruce Luria                                              4790 Pickering                           
Lloyd Silberman and Ellen Kalchalsky    7180 Fairhill                              
Mark Johnson/Marc Zupmore                7310 Kingswood          
Jason and Carrie Hockstra                     4630 Pickering                              
Yudi and Kelli Rosenzweig                      7222 Fairhill                                   
Jerry Kline                                               4743 Pickering                              
Joe Mastromatteo                                   7280 Kingswood                
Marilyn and Donald Skipworth                7156 Fairhill                                   
Barbara Borden                                       4650 Pickering                              
Mark Picklo                                             4780 Pickering                              
Andy Saxe                                               4793 Pickering                              
Holly Drimby                                           4645 Pickering                              
Brian Kepes                                             4615 Pickering                              
Marc Whitefield                                       4797 Pickering                              
Shelley Farkas                                        4779 Crestview                             
Stefan & Maria Korcek                           4778 Crestview                             
Ellen and Ernie Skuta                              4625 Pickering                              
Mark and Linda Klien                              7111 Fairhill                                   
Connie and Joe Kenty                             4706 Pickering                              
Jeongsook Lee                                        7169 Fairhill                                   
Moshe Koren                                           4725 Pickering                              
Mike and Meghan Malley                        4610 Pickering                              
Tatyana Gassell                                      4714 Pickering                              
Christine Logan                                       4718 Pickering                              
David Nordstrom                                     4782 Pickering                              
Elizabeth Matthews                                 4545 Pickering                              

Call to order by President Allen Wolf at 7:42 PM

4570 Pickering project

 A 1 ½ hour discussion was held discussing different approaches regarding a builder’s proposal to tear down 4570 Pickering and build a two story structure. 

Minutes of Last Year’s Meeting

Minutes of 2018 annual meeting were approved.  Thank you  Julian Greenebaum.


Treasurer Bruce Luria indicated that we now have about $19,000 in the treasury beyond anticipated recurring expenses.  Some of this money comes from collection efforts on past due annual dues.  Bruce has placed liens on two properties.

The initial proposed budget was defeated by a vote of  19-9. A revised budget was proposed by Elizabeth Matthews and seconded by Mark Johnson. The revised budget was approved unanimously.  The budget is attached.


The slate of officers proposed by Allen Wolf and seconded by Barbara Borden was approved unanimously.

President:  Lloyd Silberman

VP:   Holly Drimby
Treasurer: Bruce Luria
Secretary: Kelli Rosencweig
Directors At Large:
Meta Francis
Otto Hugi
Connie Kenty
Elizabeth Matthews
Imelda Romeri

Committees— (subject to review by incoming President)

Director Property Modification – Elizabeth Matthews
Beautification --   Otto Hugi
Roads – Allen Wolf
Communications – Allen Wolf

Submitted by Kelli Rosenzweig

Franklin Woods Association

​Bloomfield Township, Michigan 48301

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Type yoFranklin Woods Association Annual Meeting Minutes

October 23,2019

Home of Allen Wolf and Mandy Garver



Allen Wolf                                                4680 Pickering                              

Bruce Luria                                              4790 Pickering                              

Lloyd Silberman and Ellen Kalchalsky    7180 Fairhill                                   

Mark Johnson/Marc Zupmore                7310 Kingswood                

Jason and Carrie Hockstra                     4630 Pickering                              

Yudi and Kelli Rosenzweig                      7222 Fairhill                                   

Jerry Kline                                               4743 Pickering                              

Joe Mastromatteo                                   7280 Kingswood                

Marilyn and Donald Skipworth                7156 Fairhill                                   

Barbara Borden                                       4650 Pickering                              

Mark Picklo                                             4780 Pickering                              

Andy Saxe                                               4793 Pickering                              

Holly Drimby                                           4645 Pickering                              

Brian Kepes                                             4615 Pickering                              

Marc Whitefield                                       4797 Pickering                              

Shelley Farkas                                        4779 Crestview                             

Stefan & Maria Korcek                           4778 Crestview                             

Ellen and Ernie Skuta                              4625 Pickering                              

Mark and Linda Klien                              7111 Fairhill                                   

Connie and Joe Kenty                             4706 Pickering                              

Jeongsook Lee                                        7169 Fairhill                                   

Moshe Koren                                           4725 Pickering                              

Mike and Meghan Malley                        4610 Pickering                              

Tatyana Gassell                                      4714 Pickering                              

Christine Logan                                       4718 Pickering                              

David Nordstrom                                     4782 Pickering                              

Elizabeth Matthews                                 4545 Pickering                              


Call to order by President Allen Wolf at 7:42 PM

4570 Pickering project

 A 1 ½ hour discussion was held discussing different approaches regarding a builder’s proposal to tear down 4570 Pickering and build a two story structure. 

Minutes of Last Year’s Meeting

Minutes of 2018 annual meeting were approved.  Thank you  Julian Greenebaum.



Treasurer Bruce Luria indicated that we now have about $19,000 in the treasury beyond anticipated recurring expenses.  Some of this money comes from collection efforts on past due annual dues.  Bruce has placed liens on two properties.

The initial proposed budget was defeated by a vote of  19-9. A revised budget was proposed by Elizabeth Matthews and seconded by Mark Johnson. The revised budget was approved unanimously.  The budget is attached.


The slate of officers proposed by Allen Wolf and seconded by Barbara Borden was approved unanimously.

President:  Lloyd Silberman

VP:   Holly Drimby

Treasurer: Bruce Luria

Secretary: Kelli Rosencweig

Directors At Large:

Meta Francis

Otto Hugi

Connie Kenty

Elizabeth Matthews

Imelda Romeri


Committees— (subject to review by incoming President)

Director Property Modification – Elizabeth Matthews

Beautification --   Otto Hugi

Roads – Allen Wolf

Communications – Allen Wolfur paragraph here.